event manager applet ERROR_RATE
event interface name FastEthernet0/0 parameter input_errors entry-op gt entry-type value entry-val 100 poll-interval 15
action 10.1 syslog msg "For $_interface_name, $_interface_parameter is $_interface_value."
action 20.1 cli command "enable"
action 20.2 cli command "show interface FastEthernet0/0 | include 5 minute"
action 20.3 syslog msg "$_cli_result "
action 30.1 cli command "clear counters FastEthernet0/0" pattern "confirm"
action 30.2 cli command "y"
action 40.1 mail server "" to "monitoring@example.com" from "router@example.com" subject "FastEthernet0/0 input errors counter is above 100" body "$_cli_result"
What is the most popular game for jackpot? - DRMCD
ОтветитьУдалитьJackpot Slots. Jackpot slots, 울산광역 출장마사지 like 세종특별자치 출장마사지 other games, come 천안 출장마사지 alive thanks to our unique jackpot system 제주 출장샵 that gives players a chance 김천 출장안마 to win